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Save more by joining our monthly subscription service and get a box of your favorite vegan, paleo, grain-free snacks shipped to your door (or you can pick up locally in Charlottesville). Learn more about our bar flavors and ingredients here, browse the boxes below, and email us to custom make your monthly package if you don't see what you want here. A flat $8.25 shipping fee applies for customers outside the Charlotesville area.
Once you join, we set up a recurring invoice in Square to email you on the 1st or 15th of every month (whichever is closer to your original sign-up day)! You can pay this invoice via Venmo to @goodphyte OR set the invoice to pay automatically with the credit or debit card of your choice. Then you don’t need to worry about remembering, and we can ship to get to you within a day or your invoice.
Have a new favorite flavor? That’s great! Send us an e-mail a week before your order is set to arrive and we’ll make the change to make sure you get exactly what you're craving. Or, if you have a proton subscription but want to switch to a bar subscription for the next month, just let us know one week before your invoice date. We'll make the change to your invoice; no problem
Let’s say you have a bar boss subscription but want to add a peppy proton. You can go to our online shop and add a peppy proton subscription to your cart. After you check out, we’ll know to add those to your next box. The following month, on your original subscription anniversary, your invoice will reflect that additional $26.
We send all our subscribers discount codes on their subscription anniversary, and include a free powerball or other thank you treat with each month's box! We also offer 10% off additional web site orders to make it easy to send gifts to friends and family!
Going on a trip? Great! You can adjust your pick-up day by giving us a heads up or consider donating your month to a friend or neighbor. Subscription invoices can be paused for one month with at least 7 days notice, and will resume the following month on your anniversary.
You can always choose “local pick-up” when you’re placing your order and you can chose to pick up at the next Friday Local Food Hub Market or at High Tor Gear Exchange.
We’ll be sad to see you go, but you can cancel your subscription any time by sending us an e-mail (with at least seven days notice before your next invoice). If there’s anything we could have done better, please drop us a line and let us know that, too.
If you need help with your order or want to share your ideas for flavors or ways we can improve good phyte, don't hesitate to get in touch. We love hearing from our customers.
Copyright © 2025 good phyte foods - All Rights Reserved.